
‘When I make street pieces, I’m very conscious of not just taking over a surface. I would never march straight in and paint on someone’s wall. I think it's really rude to do that, even if you have “official” permission. I always get the endorsement of the people who actually live there' STIK

STIK, a British street artist, rose to prominence with a distinctive style characterised by simple yet emotive stick figures. Maintaining anonymity and using the moniker STIK, the artist's work often addresses social issues, inclusivity, and human connection. His minimalist figures, rendered in bold colours, convey universal themes of love, solidarity, and resilience.


STIK's art can be found in various urban landscapes globally, on walls, buildings, and public spaces. Despite the simplicity of the figures, the messages they convey resonate deeply, transcending cultural and linguistic barriers. The artist's commitment to accessible and thought-provoking art has garnered widespread appreciation and has made STIK a significant contributor to the contemporary street art movement.


Beyond the streets, STIK has collaborated with organizations to bring attention to social causes, demonstrating a commitment to using art as a medium for positive change. His work continues to captivate audiences, serving as a testament to the power of simplicity and the ability of street art to engage and inspire communities.